Thursday 3 October 2013


Republic Museum of arts
Architectural monumnent, beginningof 20th century
The name "Moldova" is derived from the Moldova River; the valley of this river was a political centre when the Principality of Moldavia was founded in 1359.[11] The origin of the name of the river is not clear. There is an account (a legend) of prince Dragoș naming the river after hunting an aurochs: after the chase, his exhausted hound Molda drowned in the river. According to Dimitrie Cantemir and Grigore Ureche, the dog's name was given to the river and extended to the Principality.

Someone stole my stamp :( First time this has ever happened to my postcard, especially from a "rare" country. My first ever postcard from Moldova. Thank you Irina!

Sent: 4 June 2013
Received: away from home

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