Saturday 12 April 2014


A landmark in Taipei, it is the tallest Chinese Classical building
and a welcoming dragon in the front. Thanks to a Taiwanese
postcrosser who noted my wishlist for all things culturally "Chinese",
if I've not mentioned it before I'm a banana, can't read or write
Chinese as I went to an English medium school so I find myself
lacking in Chinese knowledge. Ironically the Discover channel
has also started on a series called "Chineseness" every Sunday which
I haven't had the chance to tune into yet. xie xie! (she wrote in Chinese
and I can't read it at all...nor google translate, so now I have to wait
for my mom to come back in a week haha)
Sent: 27 March 2014   Received: 8 April 2014   Travelled: 12 days