Friday 18 April 2014

Long eared owl

Week 15 : One postcard a week project
Finally got to upload some of my cards from last week, in my mailbox is 
another card from the Isle of Man Post Office owl series, the long eared owl.
So the question is do owls really have ears? And this is where the postcard
nerd fun begins ,wait one moment while I google .......

and ta da
"FACT: The tufts of feathers atop some owl's heads, referred to as 'ear tufts' are for display only.

Owls' ears are located on the facial disc behind the eyes and are concealed by feathers. Owls have an acute sense of hearing that helps them locate and capture prey. In some species, the ears are located asymmetrically on either side of the facial disc to enhance their ability to pinpoint the origin of the sounds they hear by sensing the minute difference in the time that sound reaches each ear."

Thank you Tom for this awesome card series!
Sent: 6 April 2014   Received: 17 April 2014   Travelled: 11 days