Tuesday 20 May 2014

Jounieh, Lebanon

Jounieh is a coastal city about 16 km (10 mi) north of Beirut, Lebanon and is part of Greater Beirut. Jounieh is known by the Agency for French Teaching Abroad for its seaside resorts and bustling nightlife, as well as its old stone souk, ferry port, and cablecar , which takes passengers up the mountain to the shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon in Harissa. Above Jounieh, and on the way to Harissa, a small hill named Bkerké  overlooking the Jounieh bay, is the seat of the Patriarch of the Maronite Catholic Church. Residents of Jounieh and the surrounding towns are overwhelmingly Christian Maronites.

Thanks very much Oliver for sending this beautiful card from the airport!
I've done that twice, writing out cards just before I fly home and
getting to the airport half an hour before departure @.@
Sent: 3 May 2014   Received: 20 May 2014   Travelled: 17 days