Friday 20 June 2014

Half Moon Caye, Belize

The Half Moon Caye is located at the southeast corner of Lighthouse Reef Atoll, the furthest of Belize’s three atolls from the mainland, and one of only four such atolls in the Western Hemisphere. The atoll is an asymmetric rimmed platform, entirely surrounded by a fringing reef rising virtually to the surface. Inside this fringing reef is a lagoon speckled with hundreds of coral patches.
One of Half Moon Caye's principal inhabitants is the Red-footed Booby with a population around 4,000 breeding birds. Half Moon Caye supports what is considered the only viable breeding Red-footed Booby colony in the western Caribbean. The colony can be viewed from an observation platform located in the littoral forest on the western end of the caye.
Normally, islands don't get me excite, the sun, the sand, the's all the same
but this view is simply stunning!
Mucho gracias Lando for making my eyes go huge as saucers on
this Natural Monument from Belize!
Sent: 30 May 2014   Received: 20 June 2014   Travelled: 21 days