Saturday 17 January 2015

Southern lights

Southern Lights from Dru Point, Margate, Tasmania.

The Southern Lights (Aurora Australis) are the counterpart of the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis). Auroras most commonly occur above a band of high latitudes in each hemisphere, known as the auroral zones. Each auroral zone is centred on the Earth’s magnetic poles, and lies between latitudes of approximately 50˚ and 60˚. The Southern Lights are less commonly seen than their northern counterpart, as there are comparatively few populated regions under the auroral zone of the Southern Hemisphere.
The Southern Lights are best seen from the islands of the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. In Australia, they are occasionally observed in the southern skies of Tasmania.

Thank you Dennis for this amazing card and expanding my little 
collection of Aurora lights! I never knew that one could also see 
the aurora lights from Australia. 
Sent: 7 October 2014   Received: 16 October 2014   Travelled: 9 days

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