Saturday 17 January 2015

The Old Man of Storr

The Storr (Scottish Gaelic: An Stòr) is a rocky hill on the Trotternish peninsula of the Isle of Skye. The hill presents a steep rocky eastern face overlooking the Sound of Raasay, contrasting with gentler grassy slopes to the west.
The Storr is prime example of the Trotternish landslip, the longest such feature in Great Britain. It is the type locality for the mineral gyrolite. The area in front of the cliffs of the Storr is known as the Sanctuary. This has a number of weirdly shaped rock pinnacles, the remnants of ancient landslips.

Another surprise sent by Tony from his visit to the Isle of Skye
Thank you for this beautiful view of The Storr!
Sent: 31 October 2014   Received: 11 November 2014   Travelled: 11 days

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